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Left Right

The color of the walls are a legislating Testcard. Once in this room you notice alcohol stains on the walls, and the same four doors; one behind you, to left, right and one in front of you. You may chose one door and leave through it.

Also, you notice the spine-chilling stench of a Half-elf. This room is brutally lit. This sensual room is cluttered with all kinds of junk. You see a picture of Waluigi, a painting of what looks like Shadow Moses, and taco that was half eaten by a Korok.

The sea sponge that was sitting still in a corner just went through the small hole in the wall. Yes indeed, that was close that could have been a grammar crazed Wikipedian.

On one of the walls, you see spray painted, "Hands she has but does not hold, teeth she has but does not bite, feet she has but they are cold, eyes she has but without sight. Who is she?"...and you think to yourself what Paris Hilton fan wrote that?

Okay, quit playing with that contagious spork. It probably belongs to Rob Liefeld. Pick a door and let's go already.