Portal:Games/Video Games

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Welcome to Uncyclopedia's Video Game portal.

The home of all YTP memes and gamecruft video game related articles on Uncyclopedia.


Highlighted Video Game Article


[a shot of a scuba diver from behind, swimming towards something in the distance; a shot from ahead; a shot from below; credits begin over electronic/industrial intro music; a shot from far below looking up; credits continue for some time; scuba diver makes his way to the surface of the water; a shot of him surfacing; the diver gets out of the water…]

br-r-rp br-r-rp…br-r-rp br-r-rp

Snake, reading this caption is done in the same way as reading the rest of the article. Remember to use both your eyes and brain in conjunction while reading it.


SNAKE: Campbell

COLONEL: Alright Snake, let’s go over the basics one more time. This is an Uncyclopedia article. To read it, use your EYES. Move them left-to-right, and use your BRAIN to internally recognize the words. The words are graphic representations of phonetic sounds that make up something called "language". As you read the article in this manner, you will eventually run out of words to read on the page. Once this happens, you will have to SCROLL.

SNAKE: Scroll? (more...)


Highlighted Video Game Image

Sonnet the Hedgehog not to be confused with Sonic the Hedgehog

Did you know that:

...It is told in ages past that Dragon Worrier was a console role-playing game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was the grandfather of the entire RPG genre. You know "World of Warcraft"? It's based on this.

...World War I (video game) was featured in 2005, so its not worth your time to read. Seriously, don't click that link.

...World War I (video game) was featured in 2005, so its not worth your time to read. Seriously, don't click that link.


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