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Template:Lead articles

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Pope Francis revealed to be chat-bot
VATICAN CITY -- Papal officials have revealed that recent utterances from Pope Francis are actually the work of a mechanized chat-bot.

Officials state that the offensive remarks were generated by a chat-bot, perhaps the same bug-ridden technology that has gotten Google to advise millions of users to add glue to pizza and eat one small rock every day. Full story»

Sunak soaked for General Election announcement
LONDON -- British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak fired a water pistol to signify the start of his General Election campaign.

Standing in the pouring rain and with the sound of someone playing Things Can Only Get Wetter (the Labour Party anthem from 1997), Sunak stuck out his chin and made a damp speech. Full story»

Ferrell sues owner of look-alike dog
LOS ANGELES -- Will Ferrell, the famous actor who played Jeremy Clarkson in the hit movie Grown Ups 2, has sued a dog owner for her dog looking too much like him.

The 56-year-old demanded the owner pay $20 billion upfront due to identity fraud. However, the owner protested that her "little baby couldn't help looking like your dumb ass. It's just how his face is shaped." Full story»

Alfa Romeos to get even uglier
SCUDETTO, Italy -- The signature off-center number plate of Alfa Romeo cars is about to fall into the dustbin of history.

Recent changes to the General Safety Regulations rule that side-mounted plates pose a greater risk to pedestrians. Under this theory, a pedestrian mowed down by a motorcar might have an impression of the number plate in a single buttock. Full story»

Ukraine minister charged with corruption
UnNews Logo Potato1.pngSTANDING HEADS
KYIV, Ukraine -- Ukraine Farm Minister Oleksandr Solskyi has been charged with unlawfully obtaining land worth 291 million hryvnias, and trying to get 190 million hryvnias more.

Agricultural land in Ukraine is in great demand, especially once the land mines are cleared, which virtually anyone can do. Moreover, irrigation has not been a concern since the Kakhovka dam in Donbass was blown up. Full story»

French guard Buckingham Palace
LONDON -- For the first time in history, foreign troops marched in the guard in front of Buckingham Palace.

The pageantry marks the 120th anniversary of the Entente Cordiale between London and Paris, as the two countries agreed to fight on the same side in World War I, provided an assassin could be found to provoke it; also to not bicker quite so much. Full story»

Congressman inadvertently uses hurtful slur, millions traumatized
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Rep. David Trone (D-MD) used a derogatory term for Those People during a hearing of the House Budget Committee.

Trone, 68, denied that he had ever heard the slur but, as a privileged white man, he should have remembered its "long, dark history" — then denied he meant anything by calling it dark. Full story»

Royal shock as original photo discovered
LONDON -- The original Princess of Wales photo with her children has been discovered.

British-based conspiracy expert David Icke said, "The Princess is currently living on Pluto. Her reported medical surgery has been just a cover. We have got to face the truth. The House of Windsor are lizards." Full story»

[edit] [purge] Template-info.svg Template documentation

{{Lead articles}} is the template the UnNews Editor-in-Chief should edit. It controls the placement of graphic features of selected news stories on the Front Page, by having a variable number of calls to {{Lead article}} (singular), one for each graphic. Do not edit {{Lead article}} itself.

It's convenient to copy a working call to {{Lead article}} (from the word FEATURE to the following word FEATURE), paste it before the first feature, and adjust the fields to fit the new story being featured. If the first feature is both, do a side-by-side by making it right and making the new feature left. If there is already a side-by-side at the top, make the new one both. Also truncate the last feature(s) on the page to keep the number of features constant.

The individual graphics (individual calls to {{Lead article}}) have the following fields:

  • arrange — Indicates the article's layout in its row of featured articles:
    • both (or lead) Spans the entire row and causes a horizontal line beneath.
    • left The article on the left side of a pair of side-by-side articles. Code this before the right one.
    • right The article on the right side of a pair of side-by-side articles. Code this after the left one, because it causes a horizontal line beneath.
  • image — The image name (omit File:). Our policy is for every graphic to include an image (even if not funny without its caption), but if you leave this blank, the null image Spacer.gif is used
  • dept — (optional) A legend centered above the headline. Lowercase letters become small capitals. Typical departments are:
    • BREAKING NEWS or URGENT for stories that either are relevant to big real-world news, or are not
    • EXCLUSIVE for "exclusive interviews," especially when they are exclusive because we're interviewing ourselves
    • PANIC in the SKIES — prized by all journalists, especially if it should have been the Happiest Day of the Year
    • NAVEL-GAZING for UnNews articles that revolve around UnNews
    • FEATURE for articles that are featured on the Uncyclopedia main page
    • ORIGINAL for stories with {{Original}} instead of real sources
    • EDITORIAL for stories tagged as UnNews Editorials
    • COLUMN for stories tagged as UnNews Columns
  • title — The page name (omit UnNews:); that is, the headline
  • short_title — (optional) If the page name is too long or doesn't look like a headline, provide the desired headline here.
  • border — If you type the CSS name of a color here (or use the hexadecimal format #rgb or #rrggbb), a border of that color is drawn around the graphic. Specifying black is appropriate for obituaries.
  • summary — The first sentence or two of the story. If you can write a funnier lead by pulling stuff from throughout the story, that would be funnier.

Important notes:

  • If you put vertical space between the calls to {{Lead article}}, comment them out, or space is output that throws off the relation between articles.
  • If not using border, dept, or short_title, set it to none. Don't remove the lines completely; that makes it harder for the next editor to see the correct form to follow.