Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Australia

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The Northern Territory sits right up the top of Australia, commonly called the top end. This is becuase it resembles the top end of Michael Jackson's nose. It is the home to Alligators, or "crocodiles" as people who live there call it, and being invaded by the Cane Toad, planted there by the jealoud New Zealanders. It is bigger than most states in The USA, but has a population less then Antartica. It consists of one road, known only as Stuart, which has one petrol station, which sells petrol at 6 pounds a litre (Australian dollars have not yet made it that far inland). Darwinites (common people of the capital Darwin, who beat New Zealand at every sport possible) love to go to the nearby river, The Daly. It is always yellow, and always acidic, because of the kangaroos that continoulsly empty thier bladders upstream. There are markets in Dariwin, which sell everything you can think of - from apples to oranges to bannanas. The sea is perfectly safe to swim in, if you can dodge the jellyfish, crocodiles, peterfiles and asian maths teachers (they migrate from the north).